Well, we went and seen Michael McIntyre on his 2009 Tour @ Nottingham’s Trent FM Arena on the 26/09/2009.
It was part of my wifes birthday present as she has always quite liked him I thought it would be a good surprise. I bought the tickets and booked hotel 2 weeks before it, and managed to not tell her untill the night before – I said ‘pack a bag’, still not telling her what for though – infact she never knew right up untill we walked into the Trent FM arena!
Anway… we laughed so hard and so much we came out hurting. He is a great entertainer, and really draws you in. He can really think on his feet – as he had to when he had to tell somone off for videoing him. And he has a great stage presence – walks (skips) all over it.
His sharp, observational wit makes you wonder if he’s been stalking you for the last few months! At some point I think each and every one of the 8000 people in the arena sat and laughed thinking ‘oh my goodness, I say/do that!’ From the dangers of playing on the Wii with a toddler in the room to shopping with the wife and the peril of men’s changing rooms at the gym and the conversations you have with your partner in the morning, there’s something everyone can relate and laugh out loud along to!
He also treated us to the full range of skipping (YAY!), face pulling and accents from Irish to Nigerian and put a whole load of energy into a 2 hour performance. He gave a very heartflet thank you to the audience for coming to see him and came back for a very short encore which was a joke about his wife’s advice on de-stressing before a gig. What was also nice was that he makes his show relevant to the city he’s in, including the obvious mention of Robin Hood for us Nottingham dwellers!
A couple of words of warning… first, if you have good seats and turn up late, expect some stick! Secondly, you will never watch snooker the same way again!
I am almost tempted to get another pair of tickets for November in Birmingham!